Service Standards Progress
Access to General Medical Services
Service Standards progress as at Welshpool Medical Centre

Standard 1 Achieved Appropriate telephony and call handling systems are in place which support the needs of callers and avoids the need for people to call back multiple times. Systems also provide analysis data to the practice.
Standard 2 Achieved People receive a prompt response to their contact with a practice via telephone.
A practice has a recorded bilingual introductory message in place, which includes signposting to other local services and to emergency services for clearly id identified life threatening conditions.
Standard 4 Achieved A practice has in place appropriate and accessible alternative methods of contact, including digital solutions such as SMS text messaging and email, as well as as face-to-face.
Standard 5 Achieved People are able to request a non-urgent consultation, including the option of a call back via email, subject to the necessary national governance
Standard 6 Achieved People are able to access information on the different ways of requesting a consultation with a GP and other healthcare professionals. Practices will display infinformation relating to these standards.
Standard 7 Achieved People receive a timely, coordinated and clinically appropriate response to their needs.
Standard 8 Achieved All practices have a clear understanding of patient needs and demands within their practice and how these can be met.