Triage is open to requests from 8-11am for the morning appointments and from 2-3pm for afternoon appointments.
Our triage is for urgent on the day appointments; please ensure that when submitting a form that you are available to attend for an appointment for the morning or afternoon that you are contacting the surgery.

Patients not attending for their appointment and not cancelling their appointment in advance, is a persistent challenge for Welshpool Medical Practice.
Over a period of six months an average of 197 clinical appointments each month were wasted, as the expected patient booked into our system did not attend and did not let us know that they were not coming.
High patient did not attend rates waste valuable resources that are being provided locally; increase waiting times for other patients who are desperate to have an appointment and place an unnecessary strain on other areas of the National Health Service.
We do understand why our patients might not attend and fail to let us know e.g. we are all capable of forgetting and unforeseen circumstances like illness, an emergency or transport issue can prevent attendance.
In advance of your clinical appointment, we continue to send out appointment text messaging reminder at a cost to the Practice and we ask that on the back of this if you are not able to attend please, please can you do one of the following things:-
- On receiving the automated appointment reminder, press cancel if you do not want your Doctor, Nurse or Health Care Assistant appointment any more
- Go onto our website and cancel your appointment
- Ring into the practice and cancel your appointment
As we enter into another challenging year, please can we ask for your help to try and reduce our DNA (DID NOT ATTEND RATES).
We thank you in advance for listening and your hopeful co-operation with this plea
Drs Russell, Aslam, Vibhishanan, Kelly, Kingham and Hirons
December 2024

Start the year smoke – free!
Are you ready to make a positive change for your health in 2025?
Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and loved ones.
Why Quit?
- Improve your health and reduce the risk of serious illnesses
- Save money – imagine what you could do with the extra cash! A future booked holiday for you and the family, a week end away, money towards a new car.
- Breathe easier and feel better every day
On average if you smoke a 20 pack of cigarettes a day, that is roughly £15 a day, £105 a week, £420 a month and £5,400 a year!!!
Welshpool Practice is working in collaboration with Powys Health Board, offering personalised support with friendly advice and a tailored quitting management plan.
If you wish to make a change, please book into our one of our forthcoming clinics
Drs Russell, Aslam, Vibhishanan, Kelly, Kingham and Hirons

If you have any comments or complaints about Welshpool Medical Practice and Guilsfield Surgery please write into the Practice Manager.
DO NOT USE social media sites, Facebook or Twitter.
Any comments seen by Drs Russell, Kiel, Aslam, Vibhishanan, Kelly, Kingham and Hirons on any social media site may be viewed as a breach of our Zero Tolerance Policy.
We are happy to deal with your comments via our Complaints Procedure.

Zero Tolerance

Access & Facilities
Welshpool is our main surgery and holds the majority of our facilities although our branch surgery in Guilsfield has a well equipped consulting room. Both surgeries offer routine doctor’s appointments to patients within their respective area.
Both surgeries allow easy access for disabled patients.
Both surgeries have dispensaries where patients who live more than 1 mile away from a chemist can collect their medication.

Signposting To Other Services
There are some conditions which are better to be assessed and treated by other professionals in the community. For example, our staff may direct you to an Optician for urgent eye care issues, Dentist for any dentistry related problems or Pharmacist who are able to give free NHS advice and treatment for 27 common ailments such as back pain, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers and sore throats.
Often, these professionals can see you at an earlier time than waiting to be seen at the Surgery, or have specialist equipment that is not available at the Practice.
By signposting patients with certain conditions to other, more appropriate services, we hope to be able to provide better access to our services for those who need them.

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